The issue is simple. I've archived an *.ipa with enterprise certificate. I put it on a server and it works on iOS8, but doesn't on iOS9. It just says it can't be installed . I've built it with XCode7.
As Michal Ciurus said:
iOS 9 became more strict with the manifest information:the tag,the value,or something else.
I have met the similar problem.But I think maybe will give you some useful information.
The way to find out why,the most important step is to check you device log.It will show you the installation error information.
I find the problem is that I mistake the bundle-identifier value.
I find if you mistake the bundle-identifier value,the iOS 9 will not allow you to install the app,but iOS 8 or lower version will not check bundle-identifier value.
The installation error information from my iOS 9 device:
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: [Download]: Download task did finish: 8 for download: 2325728577585828282
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace] Installing download: 2325728577585828282 with step(s): Install
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Installing software package with bundleID: com.***.***: bundleVersion: 1.01 path: /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/2325728577585828282/-1925357977307433048
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: BundleValidator: Failed bundleIdentifier: com.***.**** does not match expected bundleIdentifier: com.***.*********
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: [ApplicationWorkspace]: Bundle validated for bundleIdentifier: com.****.******success: 0
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling placeholder for app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12677be70> com.****.*******(Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/B62D8EA3-2052-4393-8A7E-3FD27228BFC2/>
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12677be70> com.****.*****(Placeholder) <file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/B62D8EA3-2052-4393-8A7E-3FD27228BFC2/>
Pay attention to the log(I hide the bundle Id because of privacy.):
20:40:09 ifeegoo itunesstored → <Warning>: BundleValidator: Failed bundleIdentifier: com.***.**** does not match expected bundleIdentifier: com.***.*********
The most important to solve this problem is to check the device log.