I have tried every post in StackOverflow and have not been successful, i have a FragmentTabHost activity with tabs A B C D E
When i go to tab A and then go to tab B everything is ok, but if i return to tab A is blank, then return to tab B is also blank!!
A -> B -> A = Blank -> B = blank
I followed this post to get it working Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host?, but the transition between tabs is not working.
I have tried changing my BaseContainerFragment to use getSupportFragmentManager instead of getChildFragmentManager but was unsuccessful, also removing addToBackStack(null) at this point im out of ideas, any help here will be appreciated, thanks.
This is the mainActivity that contain code for creating tabs using fragment.
public class ActivityMain extends FragmentActivity {
public static final String TAB_1_TAG = "tab_1";
public static final String TAB_2_TAG = "tab_2";
public static final String TAB_3_TAG = "tab_3";
public static final String TAB_4_TAG = "tab_4";
public static final String TAB_5_TAG = "tab_5";
private FragmentTabHost mTabHost;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void initView() {
mTabHost = (FragmentTabHost)findViewById(android.R.id.tabhost);
mTabHost.setup(this, getSupportFragmentManager(), R.id.realtabcontent);
mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_1_TAG).setIndicator("", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_account)), FragmentAccountContainer.class, null);
mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_2_TAG).setIndicator("", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_discounts)), FragmentPromotionsContainer.class, null);
mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_3_TAG).setIndicator("", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_payment)), FragmentAccountContainer.class, null);
mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_4_TAG).setIndicator("", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_gas)), FragmentAccountContainer.class, null);
mTabHost.addTab(mTabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_5_TAG).setIndicator("", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_rest)), FragmentAccountContainer.class, null);
public void onBackPressed() {
boolean isPopFragment = false;
String currentTabTag = mTabHost.getCurrentTabTag();
Log.e("ActivityMain", "currentTabTag: " + currentTabTag);
if (currentTabTag.equals(TAB_1_TAG)) {
isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAB_1_TAG)).popFragment();
} else if (currentTabTag.equals(TAB_2_TAG)) {
isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAB_2_TAG)).popFragment();
} else if (currentTabTag.equals(TAB_3_TAG)) {
isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAB_3_TAG)).popFragment();
} else if (currentTabTag.equals(TAB_4_TAG)) {
isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAB_4_TAG)).popFragment();
} else if (currentTabTag.equals(TAB_5_TAG)) {
isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(TAB_5_TAG)).popFragment();
Log.e("ActivityMain", "isPopFragment: " + isPopFragment);
if (!isPopFragment) {
This is my BaseContainerFragment that allows backtracking and replacment of fragments
public class BaseContainerFragment extends Fragment {
public void replaceFragment(Fragment fragment, boolean addToBackStack) {
FragmentTransaction transaction = getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
if (addToBackStack) {
transaction.replace(R.id.container_framelayout, fragment);
public boolean popFragment() {
Log.e("test", "pop fragment: " + getChildFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount());
boolean isPop = false;
if (getChildFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
isPop = true;
return isPop;
This is container for the first Tab (this tab holds 2 activities, one is main, and another is called on listview Click)
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
myPrefs = this.getActivity().getSharedPreferences("getLogin", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
idUser = myPrefs.getInt("idUser", 0);
d(TAG, "idUser: " + idUser);
Map<String,?> keys = myPrefs.getAll();
for(Map.Entry<String,?> entry : keys.entrySet()){
Log.d("map values",entry.getKey() + ": " +
context = getActivity();
pDialog = new SweetAlertDialog(context, PROGRESS_TYPE);
// Check if Internet present
if (!isOnline(context)) {
// Internet Connection is not present
makeText(context, "Error en la conexion de Internet",
// stop executing code by return
new asyncGetFeedClass(context).execute();
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_cardholder, container, false);
toolbar = (Toolbar) v.findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
TextView mTitle = (TextView) toolbar.findViewById(toolbar_title);
list = (ListView) v.findViewById(R.id.list);
// Click event for single list row
list.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
FragmentAccount fragment = new FragmentAccount();
// if U need to pass some data
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
if (listBalance.get(position).get(TAG_ACCOUNT_BANKACCOUNTS_ID) != null) {
bundle.putString("idBankAccount", listBalance.get(position).get(TAG_ACCOUNT_BANKACCOUNTS_ID));
bundle.putString("idGiftCard", "0");
} else if (listBalance.get(position).get(TAG_ACCOUNT_GIFTCARDS_ID) != null) {
bundle.putString("idGiftCard", listBalance.get(position).get(TAG_ACCOUNT_GIFTCARDS_ID));
bundle.putString("idBankAccount", "0");
} else {
bundle.putString("idBankAccount", "0");
bundle.putString("idGiftCard", "0");
((BaseContainerFragment) getParentFragment()).replaceFragment(fragment, false);
return v;
The main class for Tab #1
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
myPrefs = this.getActivity().getSharedPreferences("getLogin", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
idUser = myPrefs.getInt("idUser", 0);
d(TAG, "idUser: " + idUser);
Map<String,?> keys = myPrefs.getAll();
for(Map.Entry<String,?> entry : keys.entrySet()){
Log.d("map values",entry.getKey() + ": " +
context = getActivity();
pDialog = new SweetAlertDialog(context, PROGRESS_TYPE);
// Check if Internet present
if (!isOnline(context)) {
// Internet Connection is not present
makeText(context, "Error en la conexion de Internet",
// stop executing code by return
Bundle bundle = this.getArguments();
idBankAccount = Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString(FragmentCardHolder.TAG_ACCOUNT_BANKACCOUNTS_ID, "0"));
idGiftCard = Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString(FragmentCardHolder.TAG_ACCOUNT_GIFTCARDS_ID, "0"));
if(idBankAccount > 0){
new asyncGetBankTransactions(context).execute();
} else if(idGiftCard > 0) {
new asyncGetGiftCardTransactions(context).execute();
} else {
new asyncGetX111Transactions(context).execute();
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_account, container, false);
toolbar = (Toolbar) v.findViewById(id.toolbar);
TextView mTitle = (TextView) toolbar.findViewById(toolbar_title);
mTitle.setText("MI CUENTA");
toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
layoutAccount = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(id.layoutAccount);
layoutGetCredit = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(id.layoutGetCredit);
layoutTransactions = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(id.layoutTransactions);
btnAccount = (Button) v.findViewById(id.btnMyBalance);
btnGetCredit = (Button) v.findViewById(id.btnGetCredit);
btnSendCredit = (Button) v.findViewById(id.btnSendCredit);
btnTransactions = (Button) v.findViewById(id.btnTransactions);
list = (ListView) v.findViewById(id.list);
btnTransactions.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
btnGetCredit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
btnAccount.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
return v;
private void goToCards() {
FragmentCardHolder fragment = new FragmentCardHolder();
((BaseContainerFragment) getParentFragment()).replaceFragment(fragment, true);
I think the problem is in hidden part of code where you add first fragment to container (FragmentAccountContainer and FragmentPromotionsContainer classes). I suggest you to create abstract method in BaseContainerFragment.class with signature by example
protected abstract Fragment getFirstFragment();
So concrete container class will override this method and return new instance of a first fragment to super class and then in parent class add it to fragment container with using add transaction.
public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
addFragment(getFirstFragment(), false);
Note you should check if savedInstanceState is null before adding fragment to avoid dublicates in case activity recreation by system.
In nested fragments you could use replace like you did it ((BaseContainerFragment) getParentFragment()).replaceFragment(___, true);
Also i have a few suggestions for you code. You couldn't just avoid overriding onBackPressed in activity like @NecipAllef suggests, because of known bug with default back logic and child fragment manager , but you could simplify call to popFragment like
public void onBackPressed() {
String currentTabTag = mTabHost.getCurrentTabTag();
boolean isPopFragment = ((BaseContainerFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(currentTabTag)).popFragment();
if (!isPopFragment) {
And for setting bundles to fragment i suggest use fabric method pattern, like
public class TestFragment extends Fragment {
public static Fragment newInstance(String text){
Fragment fragment = new TestFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putString("text", text);
return fragment;
Ps: i created for you a simple project with described logic