I want to add text out of plot area in levelplot. In the following example, I need the text in somewhere in the pointed location.
library (raster)
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")
r <- raster(f)
I tried mtext function with no success. Any suggestions?
mtext("text", side=3, line=0)
You can annotate the plot using lower-level grid graphical functions. In this case, do something like:
grid.text("Hello", x=0, y=unit(1,"npc") + unit(0.4, "lines"), just=c("left", "bottom"),
rasterVis and other lattice-based packages use the grid graphical system, not the base graphical system of which mtext()
is a part.
Here, using grid, is how I'd go about adding text at a position 0.4 lines above the upper-left corner of the viewport (a technical grid term) in which that upper margin plot is printed.
First, find the name of the relevant viewport.
grid.ls(viewport=TRUE, grobs=FALSE) ## Prints out a listing of all viewports in plot
A quick scan of the listing returned by grid.ls()
turns up a viewport named plot_01.legend.top.vp
, which looks like a promising candidate. If you'd like to check whether it's the correct one, you can plot a rectangle around it with something like the following (which uses the full path to the viewport):
grid.rect(vp = "plot_01.toplevel.vp::plot_01.legend.top.vp",
gp = gpar(col = "red"))
Then, using grid's terrifically flexible coordinate system, place the desired text just above the upper left corner of that viewport.
ll <- seekViewport("plot_01.legend.top.vp")
grid.text("Hello", x = 0, y = unit(1,"npc") + unit(0.4, "lines"),
just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp = gpar(cex=1.6))
upViewport(ll) ## steps back up to viewport from which seekViewport was called