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Restcomm outbound call to DID registered at Nexmo

What is the proper way to initiate an outbound call from the Restcomm server to a DID/PSTN phone?

  • I have a Nexmo number provisioned
  • Inbound calls work

I have tried this curl command to initiate an outbound call

curl -X POST http://[account sid]:[auth token]@[restcomm server ip]:8080/restcomm/2012-04-24/Accounts/[account sid]/Calls.json -d "From=sip:[number provisioned at Nexmo, e.g. 12125551234]" -d "To=sip:[my number, e.g. 12125551234]" -d "Url=[source of xml]"

The result is this log entry:

Call SID [call sid removed]
From [The Nexmo number--removed]
Date Thu, 17 Sep 2015 16:30:07 -0400
To [My number--removed]
Start Time Sep 17, 2015 4:30:07 PM
Direction outbound-api
End Time Status QUEUED
Duration seconds
Price $


  • @Mattias,

    In order to use restcomm for outbound calls with Nexmo, you need to update the restcomm.conf file

    Go to $RESTCOMM_HOME/bin/restcomm/restcomm.conf

    Edit the Outbound proxy as shown below. Restart Restcomm. This will tell restcomm to forward all outbound SIP calls through Nexmo.

    # Address for outbound calls
    OUTBOUND_PROXY='' #Provide port if different than 5060

    Are you familiar with creating an RVD Voice App?

    I will suggest that you use a SIP phone to make a call to the Destination DID so that you can hear audio.

