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Android add spacing below last element in recyclerview with gridlayoutmanager

I am trying to add spacing below the last element row in RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager. I used custom ItemDecoration for this purpose with bottom padding when its last element as follows:

public class SpaceItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
private int space;
private int bottomSpace = 0;

public SpaceItemDecoration(int space, int bottomSpace) { = space;
    this.bottomSpace = bottomSpace;

public SpaceItemDecoration(int space) { = space;
    this.bottomSpace = 0;

public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view,
                           RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {

    int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
    final int itemPosition = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view);
    final int itemCount = state.getItemCount();

    outRect.left = space;
    outRect.right = space;
    outRect.bottom = space; = space;

    if (itemCount > 0 && itemPosition == itemCount - 1) {
        outRect.bottom = bottomSpace;

But the problem with this method is that it messed up the element heights in the grid in last row. I am guessing that GridLayoutManager changes the heights for elements based on spacing left. What is the correct way to achieve this?

This will work correctly for a LinearLayoutManager. Just in case of a GridLayoutManager its problematic.

Its very useful in case you have a FAB in bottom and need items in last row to scroll above FAB so that they can be visible.


  • The solution to this problem lies in overrinding the SpanSizeLookup of GridLayoutManager.

    You have to make changes to the GridlayoutManager in the Activity or Fragment where you are inflating the RecylerView.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //your code 
        recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new PhotoGridMarginDecoration(context));
        // SPAN_COUNT is the number of columns in the Grid View
        GridLayoutManager gridLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(context, SPAN_COUNT);
        // With the help of this method you can set span for every type of view
        gridLayoutManager.setSpanSizeLookup(new GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() {
            public int getSpanSize(int position) {
                if (list.get(position).getType() == TYPE_HEADER) {
                    // Will consume the whole width
                    return gridLayoutManager.getSpanCount();
                } else if (list.get(position).getType() == TYPE_CONTENT) {
                    // will consume only one part of the SPAN_COUNT
                    return 1;
                } else if(list.get(position).getType() == TYPE_FOOTER) {
                    // Will consume the whole width
                    // Will take care of spaces to be left,
                    // if the number of views in a row is not equal to 4
                    return gridLayoutManager.getSpanCount();
                return gridLayoutManager.getSpanCount();