I'm trying to insert the results of a query from one table into another table. However, when I attempt to run the query I am receiving an error.
"deleted": 0 ,
"errors": 1 ,
"first_error": "Expected type OBJECT but found ARRAY." ,
"inserted": 0 ,
"replaced": 0 ,
"skipped": 0 ,
"unchanged": 0
Here is the the insert and query:
r.db('test').table('source').map(function(doc) {
var result = doc('result');
return result('section_list').concatMap(function(section) {
return section('section_content').map(function(item) {
return {
"code": item("code"),
"name": item("name"),
"foo": result("foo"),
"bar": result("bar"),
"baz": section("baz"),
"average": item("average"),
"lowerBound": item("from"),
"upperBound": item("to")
Is there a special syntax for this, or do I have to retrieve the results and then run a separate insert?
The problem is that your inner query is returning a stream of arrays. You can't insert arrays into a table (only objects), so the query fails. If you change the outermost map
into a concatMap
it should work.