I have an app that I'm writing a little wizard for. It automated a small part of the app by moving the mouse to appropriate buttons, menus and clicking them so the user can watch.
So far it moves the mouse to a tree item and sends a right-click. That pops up a menu via TrackPopupMenu. Next I move the mouse to the appropriate item on the popup menu. What I can't figure out is how to select the menu item.
I've tried sending left-clicks to the menu's owner window, tried sending WM_COMMAND to the menu's owner, etc. Nothing works.
I suppose the menu is a window in and of itself, but I don't know how to get the HWND for it from the HMENU that I have.
Any thoughts on how to PostMessage a click to the popup menu?
PS I'm using a separate thread to drive the mouse and post messages, so no problems with TrackPopupMenu being synchronous.
I didn't find a prefect way to do it, but the following works pretty well:
//in my case, the menu is a popup from a tree control created with:
CMenu menu;
//add stuff to the menu...
m_hMenu = menu.GetSafeHmenu();
CPoint pt;
menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, _pTreeCtrl);
m_hMenu = NULL;
The above function was called on a right-click of the tree item. The below code gets run in a separate thread to do the click
CRect rc;
GetMenuItemRect(pTreeCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), m_hMenu, targetMenuItemIndex, &rc);
if(FALSE == rc.IsRectEmpty())
CPoint target = rc.CenterPoint();
//this closes the menu
::PostMessage(pTreeCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
m_hMenu = NULL;
//now simulate the menu click
::PostMessage(pTreeCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), WM_COMMAND, targetMenuItemID, 0);