I have been given an assignment in my assembly class to create a simple program to find the volume of a sphere given a users input, I have to display a message followed by the volume with a fractional amount... I have come up with the following code but unfortunately am stumped by where remainders go and as such how to call them. Anyone have an idea where I'm messing up and how I could fix it?
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
radius byte 0
prompt byte "Please enter the radius of the sphere~ ", 0
volumeMessage byte "The volume of the sphere is~ ", 0
period byte ".", 0
volumeNumber dword 0, 0dh,0ah
volumeFraction dword 0, 0dh,0ah
piMul dword 88
piDiv dword 21
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET prompt
call WriteString
call readdec
mov radius, al
mul radius
mul radius
mul piMul
div piDiv
mov volumeNumber, eax
mov volumeFraction, edx
mov edx, OFFSET volumeMessage
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET volumeNumber
call WriteDec
mov edx, OFFSET period
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET volumeFraction
call WriteDec
call WaitMsg
main ENDP
END main
From Irvine32.asm:
WriteDec PROC
; Writes an unsigned 32-bit decimal number to
; the console window. Input parameters: EAX = the
; number to write.
So instead of:
mov edx, OFFSET volumeNumber
call WriteDec
you should use:
mov eax, volumeNumber
call WriteDec
And similarly for volumeFraction