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Overriding a [[noreturn]] virtual function

The [[noreturn]] attribute can be applied to functions that are not meant to return. For example:

[[noreturn]] void will_throw() { throw std::runtime_error("bad, bad, bad ...."); }

But I've encountered the following situation (no, I didn't design this):

class B {
  virtual void f() { throw std::runtime_error(""); }

class D : public B {
  void f() override { std::cout << "Hi" << std::endl; }

I would really like to place the attribute [[noreturn]] on the B::f() declaration. But I'm unclear as to what happens to the override in the derived class. Successfully returning from a [[noreturn]] function results in undefined behavior, and I certainly don't want that if an override also inherits the attribute.

The question: By overriding [[noreturn] virtual void B::f(), do I inherit the [[noreturn]] attribute?

I've looked through the C++14 standard, and I'm having trouble determining if attributes are inherited.


  • In practice, neither g++, clang nor MSVC consider the [[noreturn]] attribute as inherited

    #include <iostream>
    struct B {
      [[noreturn]] virtual void f() { std::cout << "B\n"; throw 0; }
    struct D : public B {
      void f() override { std::cout << "D\n"; }
    int main() 
        try { B{}.f(); } catch(...) {}
        B* d = new D{};

    which prints out "B", "D" and "D" for all three compilers.