There is some behavior of maple, that I do not understand. Say I want to factorize the polynomial 1-z-z^3
, so I compute its roots using
z0 := solve(1-z-z^3=0,z);
which gives (just for completeness...)
z0 := 1/6*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3), -1/12*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)+1/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)+1/2*I*3^(1/2)*(1/6*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)+2/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)), -1/12*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)+1/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)-1/2*I*3^(1/2)*(1/6*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)+2/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3))
Now if I try to factor out the first root,
i get
Error, (in factor) 2nd argument, 1/6*(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(108+12*93^(1/2))^(1/3),
is not a valid algebraic extension
What does this mean? Is this a bug, or is the expression for z0[1]
just too complicated? If the second is true, what is a better practice for factorizing polynomials of order, say, 3 to 4?
The problem is that Maple wants, specifically, a RootOf
or rational power expression, or set of them, as its second argument. So for example,
factor(x^2-2, 1+sqrt(2))
will not work, whereas
factor(x^2-2, sqrt(2))
does. Similarly, in your example, you'll want to extract the rational powers from the expression that you solved for. You can do that as follows:
factor(1-z-z^3, indets(z0[1], anything^And(rational, Non(integer))))
or maybe a little less contrived:
with_rootof := convert(z0[1], RootOf);
factor(1-z-z^3, indets(with_rootof, specfunc(RootOf)));