I was under the impression that in grunt.registerTask(taskName, taskList) the taskList would run sequentially (i.e. one completes before moving onto the next). I guess that is not the case?
Given this task:
grunt.registerTask('local-debug', [
How can I make sure that concat/ngconstant/targethtml are complete before running copy? I'm having issues because the ngconstant is running before the concat has finished.
Edit: Details that tasks are not running sequentially.
'concat:local' creates a aggregate.json file used by 'ngconstant:common'. If I delete the existing aggregate.json file, the ngconstant:common task errors because the aggregate.json file is missing (but the file does get created, just after ngconstant runs). Also, if I don't delete the file, and just make a change like changing the version number in a source file that concat uses, the file created by ngconstant does not pick up the change because it does not wait until the new aggregate.json is created by concat.
Edit 2: task code
concat: {
options: {
banner: '{"appConfig": {',
footer: "}}",
separator: ','
local: {
src: ["app/config/common-config.json", "app/config/local.json"],
dest: "app/config/aggregate-config.json"
ngconstant: {
options: {
space: ' ',
wrap: '(function(){\n\n"use strict";\n\n {%= __ngModule %}\n\n}());',
name: 'CoreConfig',
dest: 'app/scripts/config.js'
common: {
constants: grunt.file.readJSON('app/config/aggregate-config.json')
OK, got it.
Grunt works by following the below steps:
So what happens is that your during 1., your file aggregate-config.json
is read and sets config.ngconstant.common.constants
to its current value (the result from your PREVIOUS run).
Then 3. happens, and a new aggregate-config.json
is generated, but not used (config is NOT re-read between tasks).
But if you pass a string to ngconstant.constants
, it is interpreted as a file name and read when the task is run (step 3), getting you the result you want:
ngconstant: {
common: {
constants: 'app/config/aggregate-config.json'