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copying file under root got failed in OS X El Capitan 10.11

I'm trying to copy under root file into /System folder. It works well on all previous OS X version but not on El Capitan 10.11

Here how I copy file under root in terminal:

MACMINI:~ myusername$ sudo su -
MACMINI:~ root# cp /Users/myusername/Desktop/myfile.plist /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

As result I receive an error:

cp: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/myfile.plist: Operation not permitted


  • Considering that certain system directories are protected from being written at all (even with root) under OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) unless security measurements are disabled (see answer by Chris Ostmo) it's obviously a good idea to not modify those directories at all with custom system hacks.

    Own LaunchDaemons should be installed to:


    (not /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/)