Using Bourbon to define CSS3 animation styles. I've been bashing my head against the wall for hours now trying to figure out what's going on. I'm trying to animate a once circle that's absolutely positioned on top of another circle. The circle starts off with the following styles in place:
.circle {
$diameter: 50px;
@include transform(translate(-15px, -15px));
border-radius: 50%;
height: $diameter;
left: 50%;
position: absolute;
top: 20%;
width: $diameter;
I've got a class that defines animation like this:
&.circle-move {
@include animation(circle-move, 3s, ease-in-out, 2);
And keyframes defined like this:
@include keyframes(circle-move) {
0% {
@include transform(translate(-15px, -15px));
12.5% {
@include transform(translate(-30px, -30px));
25% {
@include transform(translate(-30px, 0));
37.5% {
@include transform(translate(0, 0));
50% {
@include transform(translate(-15px, -15px));
And yet there's no movement. What am i doing wrong!? Any help is appreciated.
Don't use comma in the animation
&.circle-move {
@include animation(circle-move 3s ease-in-out 2);