I have two tables, challenges
and challenge_steps
. Both tables need to have relation between them, I need to be able to reference a Step
with a Challenge
and the inverse relationship.
A challenge
can have multiple steps
but ONLY ONE current_step
t.string "name"
t.string "subtitle"
t.text "brief", null: false
t.integer "min_team_size", default: 2, null: false
t.integer "max_team_size", default: 5, null: false
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.integer "challenge_id"
t.string "name"
t.text "description"
t.datetime "start_at"
t.datetime "end_at"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
To do this I can think of three solutions, but none of them are satisfying:
has_many :steps, inverse_of: :challenge, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :current_step, class_name: Challenge::Step
belongs_to :challenge
has_one :challenge_relation, class_name: Challenge,
foreign_key: :current_step_id, dependent: :restrict_with_error
As you can see in my Challenge::Step
model I have a belongs_to(:challenge)
and the Rails documentation reads:
For example, it makes more sense to say that a supplier owns an account than that an account owns a supplier.
So the behavior is OK, but the code looks odd.
Create a table which contains challenge_id
and step_id
. Which will reference each challenge
and its current_step
This one is good but it mean we need the read another table to get the needed info.
add in the Challenge
has_many :steps, inverse_of: :challenge, dependent: :destroy do
def current_step
proxy_association.owner.steps.where(current_step: true).first
It returns a collection and the schema doesn't respect the real relation between a Challenge and his step.
What would most efficient and elegant? Could you think of a solution which would have none of these drawbacks ?
First of all, why is Challenge::Step
a subclass of Challenge
Surely you'd want it to be Step
on its own? For the purposes of clarity, I will refer to it just as Step
Here's what I'd do:
class Challenge < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :steps
def current
steps.where(current: true).order(current: :desc).first
class Step < ActiveRecord::Base
# columns id | challenge_id | current (datetime) | etc...
belongs_to :challenge
This will give you the ability to call:
@challenge = Challenge.find params[:id]
# @challenge.steps = collection of steps
# @challenge.current_step = latest current step
The idea being that you could save your current_step
attribute as a date in the Step
model. This will have the added benefit of giving you the ability to see the historical record of when each step was "current".
An alternative would be to make a current
column in the Challenge
class Challenge < ActiveRecord::Base
# columns id | name | current | etc
has_many :steps
def current_step
steps.find current
class Step < ActiveRecord::Base
#columns id | challenge_id | name | etc
belongs_to :challenge
This will allow you to call the following:
@challenge = Challenge.find params[:id]
# @challenge.steps = collection of steps
# @challenge.current_step = single instance of step
Your third solution is by far most elegant, but it assumes the structure you have implemented being correct.
I think you don't have the correct setup to handle the current_step
attribute; you either need a way to distinguish it in the Step
model or the Challenge