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django-rest-framework returning 403 response on POST, PUT, DELETE despite AllowAny permissions

I'm using a django-oneall to allow social login session authentication on my site. While it isn't one of the suggested auth providers for django-rest-framework, rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication uses django's default session authentication. so I thought it should be fairly simple to integrate.

On the permissions side, ultimately I'll use IsAdmin, but for development purposes, I just had it set to IsAuthenticated. When that returning 403s, I relaxed the permissions to AllowAny, but still no dice. Here's my rest framework config:

        # 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',
        # 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser',
    'PAGE_SIZE': 100,


I got this working based on the answer below. It turns out that rest_framework expects both the csrftoken cookie and a a X-CSRFToken Header of the same value, I setup my front-end code to send that header for all ajax requests and everything worked fine.


  • Django REST Framework returns status code 403 under a couple of relevant circumstances:

    • When you don't have the required permission level (e.g. making an API request as an unauthenticated user when DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES is ('rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',).
    • When you doing an unsafe request type (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE - a request that should have side effects), you are using rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication and you've not included your CSRFToken in the requeset.
    • When you are doing an unsafe request type and the CSRFToken you've included is no longer valid.

    I'm going to make a few demo requests against a test API to give an example of each to help you diagnose which issue you are having and show how to resolve it. I'll be using the requests library.

    The test API

    I set up a very simple DRF API with a single model, Life, that contains a single field (answer, with a default value of 42). Everything from here on out is pretty straight forward; I set up a ModelSerializer - LifeSerializer, a ModelViewSet - LifeViewSet, and a DefaultRouter on the /life URL route. I've configured DRF to require user's be authenticated to use the API and to use SessionAuthentication.

    Hitting the API

    import json
    import requests
    response = requests.get('http://localhost:8000/life/1/')
    # prints (403, '{"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}')
    print response.status_code, response.content
    my_session_id = 'mph3eugf0gh5hyzc8glvrt79r2sd6xu6'
    cookies = {}
    cookies['sessionid'] = my_session_id
    response = requests.get('http://localhost:8000/life/1/',
    # prints (200, '{"id":1,"answer":42}')
    print response.status_code, response.content
    data = json.dumps({'answer': 24})
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    response = requests.put('http://localhost:8000/life/1/',
                            data=data, headers=headers,
    # prints (403, '{"detail":"CSRF Failed: CSRF cookie not set."}')
    print response.status_code, response.content
    # Let's grab a valid csrftoken
    html_response = requests.get('http://localhost:8000/life/1/',
                                 headers={'accept': 'text/html'},
    cookies['csrftoken'] = html_response.cookies['csrftoken']
    response = requests.put('http://localhost:8000/life/1/',
                            data=data, headers=headers,
    # prints (403, '{"detail":"CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect."}')
    print response.status_code, response.content
    headers['X-CSRFToken'] = cookies['csrftoken']
    response = requests.put('http://localhost:8000/life/1/',
                            data=data, headers=headers,
    # prints (200, '{"id":1,"answer":24}')
    print response.status_code, response.content