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ios: how to detect if voice dictation was used for UITextField? Or microphone button was tapped on keyboard

How to detect if voice dictation was used for UITextField? Or microphone button was tapped on keyboard. Is there any way to do that?

enter image description here


  • UITextField conforms to UITextInput Protocol ( under the section Using Dictation are methods of interest). In this protocol is a method dictationRecordingDidEnd that you can override.

    One way is to subclass UITextField and implement the above mentioned method and any others of interest from the UITextInput protocol.

    example subclass .h

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @interface BWDictationTextField : UITextField


    #import "BWDictationTextField.h"
    @implementation BWDictationTextField
         - (void)dictationRecordingDidEnd {
              NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
         }// done is pressed by user after dictation

    Unfortunately there is no documented way to detect the actual tap of the microphone button ( dictation did start ).