I've made an AngularJS web application using Yeoman as project generator. When I run the command:
grunt build
all tasks start, but get stuck at the htmlmin task:
Running "htmlmin:dist" (htmlmin) task
and I need to do CTRL+Z. Other tasks are done without problem (except some warnings in jshint). However htmlmin task seems to be done when I look in HTML file in dist directory. This problem came recentlty, in previous builds everything was OK.
What can cause htmlmin task issues?
Thanks to the help of Prayag Verma I solved the issue. The problem was an attribute value not correctly put between "". To identify the file which had the error, I order the views folder (in dist project folder of Yeoman) alphabetically and I found the first HTML file that wasn't minified: that file, in the development section of my web app had the error.