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How to deal with non-optional values in NSUserDefaults in Swift

To get a value from NSUserDefaults I would do something like this:

let userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if let value = userDefaults.objectForKey(key) {

However, these methods do not return optionals:

  • boolForKey (defaults to false if not set)
  • integerForKey (defaults to 0 if not set)
  • floatForKey (defaults to 0.0 if not set)
  • doubleForKey (defaults to 0.0 if not set)

In my app I want to used the saved value of an integer if it has been previously set. And if it wasn't previously set, I want to use my own default value. The problem is that 0 is a valid integer value for my app, so I have no way of knowing if 0 is a previously saved value or if it is the default unset value.

How would I deal with this?


  • Register the user defaults in AppDelegate, the best place is awakeFromNib or even init. You can provide custom default values for every key.

     override init()
       let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
       let defaultValues = ["key1" : 12, "key2" : 12.6]
       defaults.register(defaults: defaultValues)

    Then you can read the values from everywhere always as non-optionals

    let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
    myVariable1 = defaults.integer(forKey: "key1")
    myVariable2 = defaults.double(forKey:"key2")