I've got a pretty common setup for an address database: a person
is tied to a company
with a join table, the company
can have an address
and so forth.
All pretty normalized and easy to use. But for search performance, I'm creating a materialized, rather denormalized view. I only need a very limited set of information and quick queries. Most of everything that's usually done via a join table is now in an array. Depending on the query, I can either search it directly or join it via unnest
As a complement to my zipcodes
column (varchar[]
), I'd like to add a states
column that has the (German fedaral) states already precomputed, so that I don't have to transform a query to include all kinds of range comparisons.
My mapping date is in a table like this:
CREATE TABLE zip2state (
Each state has several ranges, and ranges can overlap (one zip code can be for two different states). Some ranges have range_start = range_end
Now I'm a bit at wit's end on how to get that into a materialized view all at once. Normally, I'd feel tempted to just do it iteratively (via trigger or on the application level). Or as we're just talking about 5 digits, I could create a big table mapping zip to state directly instead of doing it via a range (my current favorite, yet something ugly enough that it prompted me to ask whether there's a better way)
Any way to do that in SQL, with a table like the above (or something similar)? I'm at postgres 9.3, all features allowed...
For completeness' sake, here's the subquery for the zip codes:
(select array_agg(distinct address.zipcode)
from affiliation
join company
on affiliation.ins_id = company.id
join address
on address.com_id = company.id
where affiliation.per_id = person.id) AS zipcodes,
I suggest a LATERAL
join instead of the correlated subquery to conveniently compute both columns at once. Could look like this:
SELECT p.*, z.*
FROM person p
SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT d.zipcode) AS zipcodes
, array_agg(DISTINCT z.state) AS states
FROM affiliation a
-- JOIN company c ON a.ins_id = c.id -- suspect you don't need this
JOIN address d ON d.com_id = a.ins_id -- c.id
LEFT JOIN zip2state z ON d.zipcode BETWEEN z.range_start AND z.range_end
WHERE a.per_id = p.id
) z ON true;
If referential integrity is guaranteed, you don't need to join to the table company
at all. I took the shortcut.
Be aware that varchar
or text
behaves differently than expected for numbers. For example: '333' > '0999'
. If all zip codes have 5 digits you are fine.