I have followed the instructions on installing the swift2 branch of Alamofire with cocoa pods. The app works well in the simulator, however, when I archive it for submission with Xcode 7 GM I receive an email with an error:
"The bundle contains an invalid implementation of Swift. The app may have been built or signed with non-compliant or pre-release tools"
This issue definitely relates to the framework as without it I am able to submit for beta testing with the same version of Xcode. I have tried turning bit code OFF in the build settings for Alamofire but it does not help.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
My podfile links only against Alamofire framework:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Alamofire', :git => 'https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git', :branch => 'swift-2.0'
One of the things that I found rather strange is that when I try to submit an archive I have the following screen:
Maybe this can be helpful in identifying the issue. The extra two targets are notification centre widgets. Disabling them doesn't resolve the issue. And without Alamofire I am able to submit for beta testing with both widgets attached.
For those who are suggesting that "Swift 2.0 is in beta so you cannot submit" I want to clarify once more - I am trying to submit for beta testing. And YES, it is possible!
As I have indicated, I am able to submit for beta testing if I remove Alamofire and my own app is written in Swift 2.0. And if someone still thinks that "it is not possible" here is some info for you. Please read it first before posting comments or down voting question.
This issue is still there with Xcode 7 GM...
OK, this issue is now fixed. I have tried the 2.0.1 version of Alamofire and I am able to submit with Xcode 7 GM and Bit Code turned ON for both Alamofire and my app.