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How to invoke function with an iterator with multiple arguments?

I have this function:

_get(url, param, function(err, body, res) {
  /* do something */

I need to execute this function several times where param takes different values each iteration. (param comes from an array)

So, I decided to try with as stated on the documentation has this definition:

map(arr, iterator, [callback])

Where iterator needs to be something like iterator(item, callback) So, at this moment I see that my function it's not compatible, so for that matter I tried to resolve like this

var fn = function(param, callback) {
  return _get(url, param, callback);

And when I executed with I expected to get the merged results like this, fn, function(err, results) {
  /* handle results */

But results returns undefined. I suspect because the return inside fn which misleads

What should I change/correct here?


  • That return won't have any effect on I think the problem is with the signature of the callback. Assuming scope is the array where you have your param values, the following should run your function over those values and provide an array in results - assuming _get calls its anonymous callback with no error:, function(param, cb) {
       _get(url, param, function(err, body, res) {
           if (err) return cb(err);
           /* do something */
           cb(null, /* whatever you want to pass on to final callback */);
    function(err, result) {
       if (err) // handle err
       // result is array of values from _get's callback