I've been trying to find, for a long time, what language this file is written in so that I can decompile it. I have tried to decompile as .luac, .class and also tried to open it as .jar and .rar and .zip.
Although the file extension is .car I have never seen this extension before and there certainly aren't any openers for it on the internet. I have even gone to the point of finding a .car opener, but it wasn't for my .car.
So, I suspect it has just been renamed.
Can anyone tell me what language it is coded in?
I don't know if I'm allowed to post files here, as I have only just joined, but here is a Dropbox link to the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y6jd62lfywoskqi/code.car?dl=1
Any help would be appreciated. This is the first line in Notepad++:
rac T D ` constants.lu œÂ tools.stashsaver.lu à scenes.sellitems.lu ˆî scenes.draw.lu ¼ gui.menu.lu 6 scenes.missions.lu ˆP
A quick dump of the file leads to several URLs referencing:
So based on this I'd say the file was created with the SDK they offer.
Corona lets developers use integrated Lua, layered on top of C++/OpenGL, to build graphic applications. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_%28software%29