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Create .DBF file from SQL table records

I want to create a .DBF file from SQL table records.

Such as if there is a table named CountryMaster in SQL and it has 5 columns:

  1. ID int identity(1,1)
  2. Name varchar(100)
  3. Details varchar(200)
  4. Status bit
  5. CreatedDate datetime

And it has 100 rows.

How can I export these records with headers in .DBF file from C#?

NOTE: Created .DBF file size must be very compact.


  • You can see the Xbase Data file (*.dbf) structure and write your own code but I have done the implementation and have been using it for years. Here you can find it on GitHub

    How to use the library

    There are some write methods in a file named DbfFile.cs. You may use any of them. I will explain some of them:

    The First Write Method

    Save a DataTable as dbf file:

    static void Write(string fileName, System.Data.DataTable table, Encoding encoding)
    • fileName: is the location which you want the .dbf output file be saved.
    • table: is your data which you have read from the SQL Server or any other source.
    • encoding: the encoding to be used when saving the string data

    The Second Write Method

    Save a List<T> into a dbf file.

    static void Write<T>(string fileName,
                                        List<T> values,
                                        List<Func<T, object>> mapping,
                                        List<DbfFieldDescriptor> columns,
                                        Encoding encoding)

    Read the database and save the result into some class type then save class value to dbf file using this method. Here is description of it's parameters:

    • fileName: the dbf file name to be saved
    • values: Your data as a List of objects of type T to be saved into a dbf file
    • mapping: A list of functions that tell this method how to retrieve data from the class type.
    • columns: dbf column information
    • encoding: the encoding of the dbf file.

    Example for the Second Write Method

    As the first approach is straight forward, I provide you with and example on the second write method. Consider you want to save a List<MyClass> data into a dbf file. Here is the code

    class MyClass
        public int Id {get;set;}
        public string Name {get;set;}

    Now you can save a List<MyClass> into a dbf file like this:

    var idColumn = DbfFieldDescriptors.GetIntegerField("Id");
    var nameColumn = DbfFieldDescriptors.GetStringField("Name");
    var columns = new List<DbfFieldDescriptor>() { idColumn, nameColumn };
    Func<MyClass, object> mapId = myClass => myClass.Id;
    Func<MyClass, object> mapName = myClass => myClass.Name;
    var mapping = new List<Func<MyClass, object>>() { mapId, mapName };
    List<MyClass> values = new List<MyClass>();
    values.Add(new MyClass() { Id = 1, Name = "name1" });
    DbfFileFormat.Write(@"C:\yourFile.dbf", values, mapping, columns, Encoding.ASCII);

    Also using this library you can read dbf files and your code do not depend on Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB or anything else.

    enjoy it.