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Will Delphi 6 debugging work correctly on Windows 10?

I've got a legacy Delphi 6 program that's worked fine on many earlier versions of Windows but that crashes on Windows 10. To debug the problem, I've installed Delphi 6 with updates 1 + 2 on a Windows 10 machine. When Delphi starts, it says the Just-in-Timer debugger is set to bordbg60.exe but needs to be changed to bordbg61.exe. If I answer "Yes", Delphi announces "Failed to set data for 'Debugger'" and hangs. If I answer "No", Delphi proceeds and apparently works OK, including debugging features like stepping through lines of code, although I haven't yet found the cause of the Windows 10 crash.

Do I really need to change from bordbg60.exe to bordbg61.exe, and if so how can I do that since approving the change fails?


  • If you want to use the Just in Time debugger, then yes, it is BORdbg61.exe rather than BORdbg60.exe.

    However, Just in Time debugging is not what you are doing here, so there's no need for you to do this. What's more changing the Just in Time debugger has global consequences for your system. Unless you need to do Just in Time debugging with Delphi 6, then in my opinion you should not make the change. Decline the offer to change and check the box that stops the question being asked every time you start up.

    As you have found out, there's no problem using the Delphi 6 debugger on Windows 10.