I'm relatively new to using C#'s XML classes. I can't even get an XML reader to recognize that the string I'm passing to it is XML. Here is my unit test which I'm using to test basic Xml reading
public class LegacyWallTests
public void ReadLegacyWallFile()
var legacyWallText = legacyfiles.legacywall1;
string xmlString = legacyfiles.legacywall1;
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString)))
And here is the XML I'm trying to read
<Insertion> 375.6858 916.8871 0.0000 </Insertion>
<Angle> 3.14159 </Angle>
<WallDesc> E4-1, H: 8' 1 1/8, Sh: Yes, S: 2~4~2~9-0-0~SPF~~, Spc: Single @ 16 in OC, BP: 2~4~2~12-0-0~SYP~~, CP: 2~4~2~12-0-0~SYP~~, TP: 2~4~2~12-0-0~SYP~~,\P LI: Single @ 38.75000000, CB: No, VB: No, NCT: 2~4~2~9-0-0~SPF~~, CT: 2~4~2~9-0-0~SPF~~, Pac: 2~4~2~9-0-0~SPF~~, Mir: Yes </WallDesc>
<WallNum> 1 </WallNum>
legacyfiles.legacywall1 is the name of the xml file I added to my project's resources. I know that the xml file is being read because outputting that string to the console gives me the xml from the file. However, when I create the XmlReader and test that there are attributes it says there aren't any. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
XmlReader.HasAttribute returns true
if the current node has attributes. As you don't advance into the document, the reader starts at the root element, <Wall>
, which doesn't have attributes. Nor do any other of your elements.
An attribute is bar
in <foo bar="baz" />
You also generally don't want to mess with XML using readers. Obtain or generate an XSD (also very useful for input validation), generate a class from that XSD and deserialize the incoming XML to an instance of that class. Then you can just access wall.Actual.Specifications[0].WallDesc