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Generic methods and Entity Framework

I have some entities that are client-specific, hence I frequently want to get the set of entities that apply to a particular client. Something like the following:

interface IClientSpecific
  int ClientId {get;}

class Entity1 : IClientSpecific

class Entity2: IClientSpecific

class MyContext : DbContext
  DbSet<Entity1> Entity1s {get; set;}
  DbSet<Entity2> Entity2s {get; set;}

To replace a ton of repetitive code like

GetEntity1s(int clientId)
  Entity1s.Where(e => e.ClientId);

I tried to add extension methods:

IQueryable<T> GetForClient<T>(this IQueryable<T> items, int clientId)
  where T : IClientSpecific
  return items.Where(i => i.ClientId = clientId);

This fails miserably:

A first chance exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll

Additional information: Unable to cast the type 'Entity1' to type 'IClientSpecific'. LINQ to Entities only supports casting EDM primitive or enumeration types.

What can I do to reuse logic on multiple entity types?


  • Add class generic type constraint to the extension method, it might solve the problem. It worked for me.

    IQueryable<T> GetForClient<T>(this IQueryable<T> items, int clientId)
     where T : **class**, IClientSpecific
      return items.Where(i => i.ClientId = clientId);