I have an IP address range database for determining country, but need a function written in Classic ASP that will find the range that the user's IP address fits into.
For example the database rows are like: | | US
So if the IP address is how can I find a match?
Using the MaxMind CSV database I imported it into MS-SQL. Then wrote a simple Classic ASP routine to get the Country code.
strCheckIPnumber = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
if strCheckIPnumber <> "" then
strGeoArray = Split(strCheckIPnumber, ".")
For i=0 to UBound(strGeoArray)
strGeo1 = strGeoArray(0)
strGeo2 = strGeoArray(1)
strGeo3 = strGeoArray(2)
strGeo4 = strGeoArray(3)
strGeoNumber = strGeo1 * 16777216 + strGeo2 * 65536 + strGeo3 * 256 + strGeo4
'response.write"GeoNumber = " & strGeoNumber & "<br>"
SQLGeo = "SELECT Country FROM GeoLocation Where GeoLocation.StartNum <= '" & strGeoNumber & "' and GeoLocation.EndNum >= '" & strGeoNumber & "' "
Set rsGeo = dbConnection.Execute(SQLGeo)
if NOT rsGeo.EOF then
strGeoCountry = rsGeo("Country").value
end if
Set rsGeo = Nothing
response.write"GeoCountry = " & strGeoCountry & "<br>"
end if