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Schematron applied to different xsi namespaces

We have a schematron with the xsi namespace declared as follows

   <schema xmlns="" queryBinding='xslt2'>
   <ns prefix="xsi" uri=""/>

We do this because we want to define context-based rules as follows:

    <rule context="*[@xsi:type='DATA_TYPE']">...</rule>

These rules worked fine for the past XML files we received so far. However, we recently received a XML whose xsi namespace is defined as:


This 'new' xsi namespace causes the rules defined above to not be fired (as rules do not share the same xsi). Is there a way to define schematron namespaces in a way that the rules would be fired independently of the xsi namespace?

There is always the option of defining the rules based on the local-name()="type" instead of using the xsi:type, but I was wondering if there is a correct (and better) way of achieving this.


  • That's a version of the XMLSchema-instance namespace from an older spec.

    You can add another prefix declaration for it:

    <ns prefix="xsi_old" uri=""/>

    And then adjust your rules to test for both:

    <rule context="*[@xsi:type='DATA_TYPE' or @xsi_old:type='DATA_TYPE']">...</rule>