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Aeroo reports: getting error with 'aeroo'

there is an odoo system with a timesheet module (self-made) in it. How report part works: aeroo report template made — timesheet can be printed via using that template — everything's good. But there is a problem: usually we work with reports via interface as I said before (reports->aeroo reports), but I'd like to describe it via xml.

I've made a new record in the views section of module:

<record id="report_person_card_id" model="">
   <field name="name">doc print</field>
   <field name="model">tabel.tabel</field>
   <field name="report_name">person_card</field>
   <field name="report_type">aeroo</field>
   <field name="type"></field>
   <field name="in_format">oo-odt</field>
   <field name="tml_source">file</field>
   <field name="report_rml">/tabel2.odt</field>
   <field name="parser_state">default</field>

Unfortunately, it gives an error message:

ParseError: "Wrong value for 'aeroo'" while parsing /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons/Tabel/views/tabel.xml:5, near
<record id="report_person_card_id" model="">
    <field name="name">doc_print</field>
    <field name="model">tabel.tabel</field>
    <field name="report_name">person_card</field>
    <field name="report_type">aeroo</field>
    <field name="type"></field>
    <field name="in_format">oo-odt</field>
    <field name="tml_source">file</field>
    <field name="report_rml">/tabel2.odt</field>
    <field name="parser_state">default</field>

I've tried different report types from default (pdf) to odt, but nothing changed. I feel it may be somehow related to addons/report_aeroo/, but can't say it for sure.

Any advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks!


  • Try to add "report_aeroo" in 'depends' line in your


    'depends': ["base", "report_aeroo"],