I was reading Qt Documentation here. I found the following sentence under the title 'Thread Affinity'.
Note: A QObject's member variables do not automatically become its children. The parent-child relationship must be set by either passing a pointer to the child's constructor, or by calling setParent().
I don't understand what it mentioned as set parent-child relationship between object and it's member variables. I only know the parent-child relationship between super class and sub class.
Can anyone explain this sentence to me? If you can provide a example it is more helpful.
Thanks for reading.
Member variables will NOT become child objects without explicitly setting parent
property. A Object
subclass normally takes another QObject
as it's parent in the constructor.
class Test : public QObject
Test(QObject* prnt)
: QObject(prnt),
timerNoPrnt(), // Test object is NOT the parent. This won't be deleted when Test object gets deleted.
timer(this) // Test object is the parent here. This will be deleted when Test object gets deleted.
timerNoPrnt->setParent(this); // now parent assigned.
QTimer* timerNoPrnt; // member variable
QTimer* timer;