I Have a problem with my regular expression. I have made it possible to valdiate correct swedish social security number to match these criteria.
But i would also like to reject a user to register if the user is under 18 years old. My reqular expression is looking like this at the moment: Do anyone encountered the same problem with the age range Swedish SSN?
private const string RegExForValidation =
private const string RegExForValidation = @"^(?<date>\d{6}|\d{8})[-\s]?\d{4}$";
string date = Regex.Match("19970918-1234", RegExForValidation).Groups["date"].Value;
DateTime dt;
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Du måste ange personnummer")]
[RegularExpression(RegExForValidation, ErrorMessage = "Personnummer anges med 10 siffror (yymmddnnnn)")]
public string PersonalIdentityNumber { get; set; }
Second Update
public class ValidateOfAge : ValidationAttribute
public bool IsOfAge(DateTime birthdate)
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
int age = today.Year - 18;
if (birthdate.AddYears(birthdate.Year) < today.AddYears(-age))
return false;
return true;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
string RegExForValidation = @"^(?<date>\d{6}|\d{8})[-\s]?\d{4}$";
string date = Regex.Match((string)value, RegExForValidation).Groups["date"].Value;
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(date, new[] { "yyMMdd", "yyyyMMdd" }, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
if (IsOfAge(dt))
return ValidationResult.Success;
return new ValidationResult("Personnummer anges med 10 siffror (yymmddnnnn)");
You need to get the birthdate from the SSN, parse to DateTime, and then compare with today's date.
Here is the method checking if a person is of age:
public bool IsOfAge(DateTime birthdate)
DateTime today = DateTime.Today; // Calculating age...
int age = today.Year - birthdate.Year;
if (birthdate > today.AddYears(-age))
return age < 18 ? false : true; // If the age is 18+ > true, else false.
And here is how you can use this:
string RegExForValidation = @"^(?<date>\d{6}|\d{8})[-\s]?\d{4}$";
string date = Regex.Match("19970918-1234", RegExForValidation).Groups["date"].Value;
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(date, new[] { "yyMMdd", "yyyyMMdd" }, new CultureInfo("sv-SE"), DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
Note that [-|(\s)]
matches a -
, |
, (
, whitespace or )
. I am sure you only want to match a hyphen or whitespace.
I added a named capture to the regex and removed unnecessary symbols from the character class. Also, note that {0,1}
is the same as ?
To make it work in an MVC app, you need to implement a custom validator:
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Du måste ange personnummer")]
[ValidateOfAge] // <---------------------------- HERE
public string PersonalIdentityNumber { get; set; }
And implement this as follows:
public class ValidateOfAge: ValidationAttribute
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
string RegExForValidation = @"^(?<date>\d{6}|\d{8})[-\s]?\d{4}$";
string date = Regex.Match((string)value, RegExForValidation).Groups["date"].Value;
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(date, new[] { "yyMMdd", "yyyyMMdd" }, new CultureInfo("sv-SE"), DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
if (IsOfAge(dt))
return ValidationResult.Success;
return new ValidationResult("Personnummer anges med 10 siffror (yymmddnnnn)");