Is there a way in Castle Windsor to see if the IContainer can resolve All Instances.
I have a class in my Nunit Test DLL. What I would like to do is test to see if the IWindsorContainer
can resolve all Registered Installers.
if not then the Test case for the resolver should fail.
the class I have at the moment is
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
namespace UnitTest
public class IOCBaseTest<T> : IDisposable
protected IWindsorContainer _container;
public IOCBaseTest()
_container = new WindsorContainer();
_container.Register(Classes.FromAssemblyNamed("IOC").InNamespace("IOC.Installers.Business", false));
public void TestWetherIOCContainerIsCorrectlySetup()
var _handler = _container.Kernel.GetHandler(typeof(T)).CurrentState;
Assert.AreEqual(_handler, Castle.MicroKernel.HandlerState.Valid);
public abstract void SetupTests();
public void Dispose()
I know that when I debug the IWindsorContainer
I can see if there is potentially misconfigured resolvers. But how do I access this? or is there a way to test if the _container
has any issues.
Edit: I Think I may have found the Issue, but need to test more... Thanks
Yup. Windsor has diagnostics subsystem for this very purpose. The documentation has all the details.
Also, I'd recommend encapsulating your registration code in installers.