Hi I need get the CRC16 with polynomial 0x8408 and initial 0xFFFF, in this post I found a equal case
C# CRC-16-CCITT 0x8408 Polynomial. Help needed
but I am working in VB 2013 and I intend write the same code but in this language
Private Sub crc16calc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles crc16calc.Click
Dim data As UShort = 0
Dim crc As UShort = &HFFFF
Dim pru() As Byte = {&H5, &H0, &H4, &HFB, &H4A, &H43}
For j As UInteger = 0 To pru.Length - 1
crc = CUShort(crc ^ pru(j))
For i As UInteger = 0 To 7
If ((crc & &H1) = 1) Then
crc = CUShort((crc >> 1) ^ &H8408)
crc >>= 1
End If
crc = CUShort(Not crc)
data = crc
crc = CUShort((crc << 8) ^ (data >> 8 & &HFF))
End Sub
But when I execute this code get a overflow in crc = CUShort(crc ^ pru(j))
Can any help me.
Private Sub crc16calc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles crc16calc.Click
Dim data As UShort
Dim POLYNOMIAL As UShort = &H8408
Dim pru() As Byte = {&H4, &H0, &H1, &HDB, &H4B} ' the two last bytes are the CRC16
Dim pru2() As Byte = {&H5, &H0, &H1, &HFB, &HF2, &H3D}
Dim ucX As Integer = pru.Length - 3
Dim uiCrcValue As UShort = PRESET_VALUE
For j As Integer = 0 To ucX
uiCrcValue = uiCrcValue Xor pru(j)
For i As Integer = 0 To 7
If (uiCrcValue And 1) Then
uiCrcValue = (uiCrcValue >> 1) Xor POLYNOMIAL
uiCrcValue = uiCrcValue >> 1
End If
data = uiCrcValue
uiCrcValue = CUShort((uiCrcValue << 8) Xor ((data >> 8) And &HFF))
End Sub
Thanks, the code is working
In C# the ^ operator is xor. In VB, the ^ operator is exponentiation.
Just change each ^
to Xor