I know that this question was asked by many but no one was answered even : This reponse. is not a good reponse for how do i get current user's id into a dql statement in Repository. i see so much talking about it's not logic or it's a bad choice so what 's the good one to use the current user's id like a param into a dql statement or QueryBuilder and this what i do but doesn't work :
My Controller :
public function GetGroupsByStudentAction()
public function ConnectedUserIdAction()
{ $user = $this->container->get('security.token_bag')->getToken()->getUser();
return $user->getId();
MyServices :
<service id="serviceGroupe" class="Acme\MyBundle\Controller\GroupMatiereController"/>
MyRepository :
public function findGroupByStudent()
// $currentid = i dont know how i call the methode from the service;
->createQuery("SELECT m from AcmeMyBundle:GroupMatiere m WHERE m.idGroupe=?1")
->setParameter(1, $currentid);
return $query->getResult();
That's work if i choose for the $currentid=1; But i need connected user id .
Thanks For Help and any other suggestion to change the logic i will be happy !
Define your repository method like this:
public function findGroupByStudent($student)
->createQuery("SELECT m from AcmeMyBundle:GroupMatiere m WHERE m.idGroupe=?1")
->setParameter(1, $student->getId());
return $query->getResult();
And then in the controller pass the Student entity that belongs to the currently logged in user, e.g.: