I am trying to populate a drop down list in a cshtml
page using Angular. The Angular controller
calls a service using Web API
to return values. I have added a default selected item to instruct users to select an item from the list. I also want to append 'Other' to the end of the select list.
I prefer to use the ng-options
if I can. I know how to do this using ng-repeat.
The markup is as follows:
<div class="formElement">
<label for="companySelect" class="required long">{{'CompanyName'}}</label>
<select name="companySelect" id="companySelect" ng-change="selectCompany()" ng-model="data" data-ng-options="company.CompanyName
for company indata.companySelect | orderBy:'CompanyName' track by company.CompanyName">
<option value="">Please Select</option>
<option value ="other">Other</option>
I guess if your webapi return some json data, you got that values by $scope.company
in your angular controller
Please Select
to top element of your array You can do it by using array unshift
$scope.company.unshift("Please Select")// May it be a object
to bottom element of your arrayYou can do it by using array push
$scope.company.push("Other")// May it be a object