I have grid with grouping and I group by one column and then make hours summary on another column like that :
name: "GroupBy",
type: "local",
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "codeName",
isGroupBy: true,
columnKey: "hour",
isGroupBy: false,
summaries: [
summaryFunction: "custom",
text: "Hours :",
customSummary: function (valuesList) {
var sumOfHours = 0.0;
var sumOfMinutes = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < valuesList.length; i++) {
var split = valuesList[i].split(':');
sumOfHours += parseInt(split[0]);
sumOfMinutes += parseInt(split[1]);
sumOfHours += parseInt(sumOfMinutes / 60);
var minutesLeft = sumOfMinutes % 60;
return sumOfHours + ":" + minutesLeft;
summarySettings: {
//summaryFormat: "HH:MM" // What should I write here to get proper formatiing?
Now the problem is that whenever I get :
I could not find anywhere in the docs how to display that properly. Can anybody help?
igGridGroupBy summary functions are expected to always return number type, which is not your case. That's why you see this behavior. What you can do is to override the $.ig.formatter function (before initializing igGrid) which is used in Ignite UI and GroupBy feature for formatting values and inject your logic. Here is an example:
var origFormatter = $.ig.formatter;
$.ig.formatter = function (val, type, format) {
if (format === "myFormat") {
return val;
return origFormatter.apply(arguments);
// Initialize igGrid here
And then set the summarySettings.summaryFormat = "myFormat" so that your logic kicks in.