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How to format hours in grouping summary result in igGrid 2013.2?

I have grid with grouping and I group by one column and then make hours summary on another column like that :

name: "GroupBy",
type: "local",
columnSettings: [
        columnKey: "codeName",
        isGroupBy: true,
        columnKey: "hour",
        isGroupBy: false,
        summaries: [
                summaryFunction: "custom",
                text: "Hours :",
                customSummary: function (valuesList) {
                    var sumOfHours = 0.0;
                    var sumOfMinutes = 0.0;
                    for (i = 0; i < valuesList.length; i++) {
                        var split = valuesList[i].split(':');
                        sumOfHours += parseInt(split[0]);
                        sumOfMinutes += parseInt(split[1]);

                    sumOfHours += parseInt(sumOfMinutes / 60);
                    var minutesLeft = sumOfMinutes % 60;
                    return sumOfHours + ":" + minutesLeft;
summarySettings: {
    //summaryFormat: "HH:MM" // What should I write here to get proper formatiing?

Now the problem is that whenever I get :

  1. 36 hours it displays 360.00 instead of 36:00
  2. 165 hours it displays 1,650.00 instead of 165:00
  3. 8 hours and 15 minutes it displays 815.00 insted of 8:15
  4. 34 hours and 15 minutes it displays as 3,415.00 instead of 34:15

I could not find anywhere in the docs how to display that properly. Can anybody help?


  • igGridGroupBy summary functions are expected to always return number type, which is not your case. That's why you see this behavior. What you can do is to override the $.ig.formatter function (before initializing igGrid) which is used in Ignite UI and GroupBy feature for formatting values and inject your logic. Here is an example:

    var origFormatter = $.ig.formatter;
    $.ig.formatter = function (val, type, format) {
        if (format === "myFormat") {
            return val;
        return origFormatter.apply(arguments);
    // Initialize igGrid here

    And then set the summarySettings.summaryFormat = "myFormat" so that your logic kicks in.