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The bundle identifier should be added as a URL scheme to enable Google sign-in

I am attempting to integrate Google Analytics and App Invites into my Swift project and am following this documentation to the letter:

One omission in the latter is that you must add

#import <Google/AppInvite.h>

to your bridging header.

Also, I added the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist into Project -> Target -> Info -> URL Types -> URL Schemes along with the Identifier Google, as discussed in the Google Sign In documentation.

However, during run, I receive the error `

The bundle identifier should be added as a URL scheme to enable Google sign-in

I did not have Google sign-in selected when using Google "Enable Google services for your app" web tool, so this error is confusing and unexpected.

How can I fix this?


  • I had that error when trying to test on Simulator but works fine on device. It may just be it doesn't work in simulator?