pretty new to PHP here but can't find info to help me on this.
Basically I'm writing a function to grab race times for horses on one day from my mysql database and order them. So I pull in 3 values - racedate, racevenue, and sectional. Sectional is so I can specify if I want their last 200m time, their last 400m time or so on.
I run the query and then put the result into an array. I then want to sort that array by the value of $sectional.
My problem is creating the array $times to use the array_multisort. The only way I can get it to work is to hardcode the 'time200' to specify what to sort on. I really want to be able to sort by the $sectional variable, so I can use this function on any type of column name passed in by $sectional (ie time200, time400, time600 etc).
Putting $sectional instead of time200 doesn't work (which is prob obvious to you who know more of what you're doing) but I can't figure out why.
Thanks for any help!
function sectionalrank($racedate, $racevenue, $sectional) {
global $connection;
$query = "SELECT horsename, $sectional ";
$query .= "FROM runs ";
$query .= "WHERE racedate = '$racedate' ";
$query .= "AND venue = '$racevenue' ";
$query .= "AND $sectional > 0";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
$array = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$array[] = $row;
$times = array();
foreach ($array as $a) {
$times[] = $a['time200'];
array_multisort($times, SORT_ASC, $array);
return $array;
Your approach appears to be good. It works for me.
function sectionalrank( $racedate, $racevenue, $sectional )
// simulate database query
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 67, 'time200' => 2, 'time400' => 8);
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 86, 'time200' => 1, 'time400' => 3);
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 85, 'time200' => 6, 'time400' => 9);
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 98, 'time200' => 2, 'time400' => 1);
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 86, 'time200' => 6, 'time400' => 6);
$racedata[] = array('horsename' => 67, 'time200' => 7, 'time400' => 4);
$array = array();
foreach ($racedata as $row)
$array[] = $row;
$times = array();
foreach ($array as $a)
$times[] = $a[$sectional];
array_multisort($times, SORT_ASC, $array);
return $array;
// Using $racedata to pass in the data.
echo json_encode( sectionalrank( 'racedate', 'racevenue', 'time200' ) ) . "\n";
echo json_encode( sectionalrank( 'racedate', 'racevenue', 'time400' ) ) . "\n";