I have a bunch of XYZ data where X and Y are coordinates and Z is supposed to be the elevation (LiDAR points). I am trying to plot this point cloud with a gradient based on the Z value.
Here is what I have so far:
# Read the CSV file with the LiDAR point cloud (which was conveniently converted to CSV)
myData <- read.csv("./52I212_plot10.las.csv")
# We don't need all attributes, let's keep only X, Y and Z.
myData <- subset(myData, select=c(X,Y,Z))
# We want a normalized version of Z (between 0 and 1)
myData$normalZ <- (myData$Z-min(myData$Z))/(max(myData$Z)-min(myData$Z))
With this I try to create the plot with
ramp <- colorRampPalette(c("lightblue", "red"))
cloud(myData$Z ~ myData$X + myData$Y, xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z",pch=20,
I expected Z values to have one of ten possible colors between lightblue and red.
When I change the plot command to
cloud(myData$Z ~ myData$X + myData$Y, xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z",pch=20,
I get something that is much closer to what I need:
I suspect I am doing something wrong on the color ramp, but cannot figure out what.
thanks in advance
This question: How to match vector values with colours from a colour ramp in R? helped me a lot, but I still don't understand what I did wrong. This code works:
myData$normalZ <- (myData$Z-min(myData$Z))/(max(myData$Z)-min(myData$Z))
ramp <- colorRamp(c("lightblue", "red"))
cols <- ramp(myData$normalZ)
cloud(myData$Z ~ myData$X + myData$Y, xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z",pch=20,
col.point=rgb(cols,maxColorValue = 256))
Please point what could be changed on the original code to make it work -- I cannot figure out why in the first figure colors appear to be randomish.
thanks Rafael
Can't confirm without data, but I think 0's are throwing you off. Your normalZ
is between 0 and 1, so 10 * normalZ
is between 0 and 10. You're passing these non-integers to [
and they get rounded down. (I had to look this up, but from ?"["
: "Numeric values [of i] are coerced to integer as by as.integer (and hence truncated towards zero)".
Giving 0
(or anything less than 1) as a subset index messes with your color vector's length and hence how things match up:
ramp(10)[c(0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6)]
# [1] "#ACD8E5" "#ACD8E5"
and then the too-short vector gets recycled. So, your code will probably work with
col.point = ramp(10)[ceiling(myData$normalZ * 10)]