I need to format double
values into coordinate strings that have a very specific format, "DDMMSS.SSX"
The fields need to be padded with zeroes. Spaces cannot be accepted. Examples for the formatting is as follows:
47.2535 ==> "471512.45N"
-0.123345 ==> "000724.04S"
I have managed to create the following program that does the job. However I have some questions:
rule? It's purpose is to store the absolute value into the local variable value
. Is there a (hopefully more elegant) way to access the fabs()
(_1 = _val
etc.) are unnecessary since I have the value in the local variable value
. However if I remove these assignments, all I get is "000000.00N"
. value
. Is there a better approach?I'd be glad for some feedback
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> iterator_type;
struct genLongitude : karma::grammar<iterator_type, double()>
: genLongitude::base_type(start)
using karma::eps;
using karma::int_;
using karma::char_;
using karma::_1;
using karma::_val;
using karma::right_align;
using boost::phoenix::static_cast_;
using boost::phoenix::ref;
using boost::phoenix::if_;
start = locls
<< degrees << minutes << seconds
<< ( eps(_val < 0.0) << char_('E') | char_('W') );
locls = eps[_1 = _val, if_(_val < 0.0) [ref(value) = - _val] .else_ [ref(value) = _val]];
degrees = right_align(3,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
<< eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 60 ];
minutes = right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
<< eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 60 ];
seconds = right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
<< char_(".")
<< eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 100 ]
<< right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]];
double value;
karma::rule<iterator_type, double()> start, locls, degrees, minutes, seconds;
int main()
for(auto & value : std::vector<double>{ 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
std::string generated;
iterator_type outiter(generated);
auto rv = karma::generate(outiter, genLatitude(), value);
std::cout << "(" << rv << ") " << value << " ==> " << generated << std::endl;
Just for completeness, this is actually trivial to fix in any of the examples (and answers)
The format of the Latitude is "DDMMSS.SSX"
, the Longitude is "DDDMMSS.SSX"
. This is because range of the latitude is -90 to +90 while the longitude is -180 to +180.
Giving it some more thought, let me answer
Q. is there generally a better solution for this kind of problem?
In this you may be better off with Boost Format. Reusing LatLongRep
- the calculation work-horse from my other answer, you can create IO manipulators really easily:
namespace manip {
struct LatLongRepIO : LatLongRep {
LatLongRepIO(double val, char const* choices) : LatLongRep(val), _display(choices) { }
char const* _display;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LatLongRepIO const& llr) {
return os << boost::format("%03d%02d%05.2f%c")
% llr._deg % llr._min % llr._sec
% (llr._display[llr._hemi]);
LatLongRepIO as_latitude (double val) { return { val, "WE" }; }
LatLongRepIO as_longitude(double val) { return { val, "NS" }; }
This forgoes the use of Boost Spirit, Phoenix and Fusion alltogether, and makes usage a breeze:
int main() {
using namespace helpers::manip;
for(double value : { 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
std::cout << as_latitude(value) << "\t" << as_longitude(value) << "\n";
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <cmath>
namespace helpers {
struct LatLongRep {
bool _hemi; double _deg, _min, _sec;
LatLongRep(double val)
: _hemi(0 < val),
_min(60 * std::modf(std::abs(val), &_deg)),
_sec(60 * std::modf(_min, &_min))
{ }
namespace manip {
struct LatLongRepIO : LatLongRep {
LatLongRepIO(double val, char const* choices) : LatLongRep(val), _display(choices) { }
char const* _display;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LatLongRepIO const& llr) {
return os << boost::format("%03d%02d%05.2f%c")
% llr._deg % llr._min % llr._sec
% (llr._display[llr._hemi]);
LatLongRepIO as_latitude (double val) { return { val, "WE" }; }
LatLongRepIO as_longitude(double val) { return { val, "NS" }; }
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace helpers::manip;
for(double value : { 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
std::cout << as_latitude(value) << "\t" << as_longitude(value) << "\n";
0471512.46E 0471512.46S
0135903.71E 0135903.71S
0000724.04W 0000724.04N
0441760.00W 0441760.00N