Two domains are pointing at my IIS 7.5 server. One domain serves a site, the other I would like to return a 410 Gone status for ANY URL that references that domain. Because I have not added a DNS entry for the 410 domain, the server returns the IIS default site. I added the following to the default.asp file on the default site:
if instr(lcase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")),"") then
response.Status="410 Gone"
end if
This works correctly is someone visits however it fails if someone visits, a sub page URL: of the domain. I thought the above script would have wildcarded the request. Can it be modified to catch the domain and all sub page occurrences?
At present, if a user visits the system 404 page is displayed.
Create a Global.asa file in the web directory with the following code
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
sub Session_OnStart
end sub
sub Session_OnStart
if instr(lcase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")),"") then
response.Status="410 Gone"
end if
end sub
However you might actually be better of doing a permanent redirect rather than a Gone.