I am trying to use two SET and WHERE Statements in place of an ELSE Statement. Is that possible? I am getting a syntax error on the following:
SET HRBI.[MktDISC%] = 0, HRBI.[MktDISC%] = (HRBI.[MarketMedianDISCUSD] / HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD])
WHERE HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD] = 0, HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD] <> 0;
First of all your WHERE
statement syntax is wrong, you need to use AND
or OR
conditional operator. Second, did you looked at WHERE
condition; it's impossible
WHERE HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD] = 0, HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD] <> 0;
It's like saying WHERE col1 = 0 and col1 <> 0
which is never going to be possible cause at any point in time the field can have either one of the value but not both. You can rather say >= 0
or use a OR
WHERE HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD] >= 0
You are doing the same mistake in SET
clause as well. Your posted query SET
clause can simplified to
SET HRBI.[MktDISC%] = (HRBI.[MarketMedianDISCUSD] / HRBI.[FY16StartingSalaryUSD])