I'm testing FacebookSDK ios v3.24.0-beta1 from Facebook Developer site. My test environment is iOS9 beta5 on iphone6+ and test app is built on Xcode7 beta-6.
I have set the info.plist for iOS9 App transport security. And I have installed Facebook App in my device.
I try to login facebook using
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:defaultAudience:allowLoginUI:completionHandler:]
When I invoke the method. The facebook app is not launched. But I can see the login dialog in webview (I guess).
Question: I want to know whether after the v3.24.0-beta is not support app to app login.
This is by design. In order to provide the best experience for users on iOS 9, the new SDK determines the best login flow automatically. If you're running on iOS 8 or earlier, the app switch will still be preferred.