I'm trying to completely log my user out of my app. When using
I successfully log the user out of Parse. But when I come back in the app and click on the login button, I'm redirected to the Facebook screen saying :"You have already authorized [name of the app]" So I can never login again with another account, except if I reset the simulator.
I also tried to logout using
But it doesn't work either... Hope you can help me find a solution to this ! I'm using the latest Facebook and Parse SDK
Actually using PFUser.logout()
and the last versions of Parse and the Facebook iOS SDK version >= 4.4.0 will do the job.
Do not use PFFacebookUtils.facebookLoginManager().logOut()
or FBSDKLoginManager().logOut()
, because it will only log the user out from Facebook but not from the Parse back-end. Which means that it will not delete the revocable session on the Parse back-end.
Actually there is a difference between Revoking Login (letting people completely de-authorizing an app, or revoking login) and Logging out an user from his/her Facebook account:
Revoking Login
(you can check the Facebook documentation)
You can also let people completely de-authorize an app, or revoke login, by making a call to this Graph API endpoint:
DELETE /{user-id}/permissions
This request must be made with a valid user access token or an app access token for the current app. If the request is successful, your app receives a response of true. If the call is successful, any user access token for the person will be invalidated and they will have to log in again. Because you're de-authorizing your app, they will also have to grant access to your app as if they were logging in for the first time.
let facebookRequest: FBSDKGraphRequest! = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "/me/permissions", parameters: nil, HTTPMethod: "DELETE")
facebookRequest.startWithCompletionHandler { (connection: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection!, result: AnyObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if(error == nil && result != nil){
println("Permission successfully revoked. This app will no longer post to Facebook on your behalf.")
println("result = \(result)")
} else {
if let error: NSError = error {
if let errorString = error.userInfo?["error"] as? String {
println("errorString variable equals: \(errorString)")
} else {
println("No value for error key")
Logging out an user form his/her Facebook account
If you have used Parse and the Facebook iOS SDK version >= 4.4.0 to sign up or log in a user via Facebook, and you do not want to de-authorize an app, or revoke login, but just want to log out the user from Facebook, then please use instead:
It will log out the user, delete the session on the Parse back-end side (do not forget to enable Parse revocable session via your Parse app settings), plus it will also delete the Facebook session written on the user device's disk.
I hope this answer will help you guys.