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Pop up message if blob is detected, MATLAB

I am working on a fire detection program in MATLAB, and I have a blob detection as part of it. I would like to ask how to put a pop up warning message when a blob has been detected?

I want to have a warning message as soon as there's a fire.

This is my code for the shape inserter, or the boxes for blob detection.

This part is outside the loop:

 detector = vision.ForegroundDetector(...
    'NumTrainingFrames', 5, ...
    'InitialVariance' , 30*30);

blob = vision.BlobAnalysis(...
    'CentroidOutputPort', false, 'AreaOutputPort', false, ...
'BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...
'MinimumBlobAreaSource', 'Property', 'MinimumBlobArea', 250);

shapeInserter = vision.ShapeInserter('BorderColor', 'White');
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer();

This part is inside the loop:

   fgMask = step(detector, maskedRGBImage);
    bbox = step(blob, fgMask);
    out = step(shapeInserter, thisFrame, bbox);
    step(videoPlayer, out);


  • For this example I'm assuming that if a blob is detected it will equal 1 (you can change my code to fit whatever output you currently have for when a blob is detected).

    enter image description here

    if blob == 1;
     inputOptions = {'Fire Detected!'};
     defSelection = inputOptions{1};
    popup = bttnChoiseDialog(inputOptions, 'Warning!', defSelection, 'Warning!');
    fprintf( 'Fire Detected - "%s"\n',inputOptions{popup});

    You can download bttnChoiseDialog from the FileExchange:

    hope this helps