I am debugging an issue with a null ResultsMap returned from calling a stored procedure via iBatis for java. Here is a truncated copy of the exception I'm receiving.
DataAccessException: Exception calling procedure
Caused by: com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
--- The error occurred in ibatis-map.xml.
--- The error occurred while applying a parameter map.
--- Check the getEmpLoanDistribContribInfoMap.
--- Check the output parameters (retrieval of output parameters failed).
--- Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Cursor is closed.
I don't believe the problem is actually in the parameter map, since similar code works in other areas of the project, but I have included the parameter map and the stored proc header here just in case.
<parameterMap id="getEmpLoanDistribContribInfoMap" class="map" >
<parameter property="resultCode" javaType="int" jdbcType="NUMERIC" nullValue="-1" mode="OUT"/>
<parameter property="client_id" javaType="int" jdbcType="NUMERIC" mode="IN"/>
<parameter property="emp_nbr" javaType="int" jdbcType="NUMERIC" mode="IN"/>
<parameter property="general_info" javaType="result" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT"/>
<parameter property="current_contrib_info" javaType="result" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT"/>
<parameter property="future_contrib_info" javaType="result" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT"/>
<parameter property="distrib_info" javaType="result" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT"/>
<parameter property="loan_info" javaType="result" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" mode="OUT"/>
function get_emp_ldc_info (
client_id employees.clt_id%type,
emp_nbr employees.emp_nbr%type,
general_info out retire_ref_types.retire_ref_cursor,
current_contrib_info out retire_ref_types.retire_ref_cursor,
future_contrib_info out retire_ref_types.retire_ref_cursor,
distrib_info out retire_ref_types.retire_ref_cursor,
loan_info out retire_ref_types.retire_ref_cursor
) return number is
retval number;
Each of the 5 cursors above are opened for selects within the body of the function. I extracted each select query, and all of them run properly (though some don't find any records -- could this be my problem?). I even created a script mirroring this function that defines each cursor in a declare block, and opens them. No exceptions are encountered.
I realize my problem could very well be bad data, but I am not sure where to look. The only thing I can think of is that I should be getting this exception if one of the out cursors in the parameter map is opened for a select that finds no data. Does anyone know if this is true?
I have confirmed that it was bad data causing this. I still haven't found where it is, but I'm answering the question so nobody wastes their time on this. Thanks for reading.