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read.xlsx 'Error in loadWorkbook(file): Cannot find file' R

I am trying to read in a number of Excel files into R using read.xlsx using the xlsx package but when I do so I am getting the following error:

Error in loadWorkbook(file) : Cannot find id100.xlsx

First I list the files in the directory:

> files <- list.files(datDir, pattern = ".xlsx")

Then I use read.xlsx to read them all in:

 for (i in seq_along(files)) {
    assign(paste("id", i, sep = "."), read.xlsx(files[i],1,, 
    header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings=" "))

I checked to see if the file was even in the list and it is:

> files
  [1] "id100.xlsx" "id101.xlsx" etc...

> files[1]
  [1] "id100.xlsx"

I have used this code many times before today and for some reason it is just not working. I keep getting that error. Does anyone have any suggestions?



  • If your working directory is different from datDir you should use full.names=T like this:

    files <- list.files(datDir, pattern = ".xlsx",full.names=T)