I have a bunch of .csv files in a library and I would like to pull out their contents (they are NxM matrices) and put them into a dictionary. They are all the same size, and generically named {means1, means2, ...} and {trajectories1, trajectories2, ...}.
This is the bit of code i use to get the file list
import os
import glob
my_dir = 'insert your own datapath'
filelist = []
os.chdir( my_dir )
for files in glob.glob( "*.csv" ) :
which outputs
I am looking for a bit of code that will
means_dict = {}
means_dict['0'] = ('means0.csv')
ect. Hope it makes sense!
You really, really don't want to dynamically create dicts. Rather, use a containing dict with the key as "means", "trajectories" etc, and the values as a list of the files:
from collections import defaultdict
import re
filedict = defaultdict(list)
for filename in glob.glob( "*.csv" ) :
result = re.match(r'([^\d]+)', filename)
if result: