Someone added a workspace incorrectly, so after I fixed it TFS thought I had added some files to the project (dll, pdb, and xmls). So I tried just deleting the files and refreshing the pending changes. I tried clicking undo, but the Output window says
No pending changes were found for $/SourceCode/Apps/.../Lib.dll.
(I replaced part of the full path here). So the undo won't do anything. I tried "Refresh Status" under File-> Source Control after every step. I tried re-adding these files and then doing the undo. So for example I am stuck with
UI.xml add, lock
Design.dll add, lock
and can't remove them. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
Don't delete. Once you "add" them to TFS, it creates an entry in the database just waiting for the files. Instead, undo your "add."
That's actually how to fix this problem as well.
Right click on any source file in the source explorer, and choose Undo Pending Changes. Uncheck everything except for the two files that you need to get rid of the add. Click OK to undo those changes.
That will clean up everything in the TFS database.