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SQL Server CE : how can I combine results of two queries into one row?

I have two queries that return a single value, from different tables (and not joined via a relationship in any way), and I'm trying to combine both queries' outputs onto a single row, however I'm getting a syntax error. This is what I'm trying:

    (SELECT Timestamp As StartDate 
     FROM Events 
     WHERE Description = 'Inserted') AS StartDate,
    (SELECT TOP (1) Timestamp As EndDate 
     FROM DataStore 
     ORDER BY Timestamp DESC) AS EndDate

And this is what I'm getting back:

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 2,Token in error = SELECT ]

Query 1 on its own returns: "2015-06-10 11:43:34.000" and Query 2 returns: "2015-06-11 13:59:47.000"

I want to return a single row with two columns, with the output of query 1 as the "StartDate" column, and the output of query 2 as the "EndDate" column.


  • SQL CE does not support nesting SELECT statments like this, so you have to use two SELECT statements and use UNION or call ExecuteNonQuery twice.